I’ve been thinking maybe I have been pushing myself to get fit too fast. My hip still hurts a little…nothing bad but I feel my body is telling me to slow down. Even with the proper shoes, I don’t want to hurt myself.

I’ve also been thinking I’d love to do a triathlon someday. I always thought that would be such a cool sport to participate in.

How are these two random thoughts related? Well, I searched google for how to train for a triathlon. I came across a web page that has tons of good info about this topic. In particular, this page seemed good for me: Couch to 5k http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/Programs/couch_to_5k_overview.htm
It’s a training program that gradually brings you from couch potato to being able to run 5k. I think I’m going to follow that program.

From May 2004