Stacey Richardson’s Weekly Workout Tip:

December parties, cocktails, and calories… What’s an athlete to do??    Well, split the difference!

One athlete I coach has a famous line , “Put the fork down!!”   In her silly,wise words, Martha is absolutely right:  We can have our treats, within reason, but we have to make cuts in other areas of our eating.   Now I”m not saying trading cookies for bananas is a fair trade,  but ultimately calories in and calories out make for one very simple equation.

My friend and sponsor Cid Cardoso Junior of Inside Out Sports has told me that he NEVER gains off -season weight and instead  thinks it is easier just to be level-headed and level weighted year-round.   No wonder he is a lean, mean, fighting machine year round!!

Tis the season to have fun with friends, drink, and eat.  But it’s also the season to do so within reason and to be mindful.  No need to party multiple days in a row, but once in a while is ok.  Letting go and enjoying your life is a part of life balance, but no need to make it a habit! ; )

For me, little tricks include sparkling water, no seconds, and enjoying party food within reason.

It’s not to soon to think about next year and race weight.   Have you made your goals yet?

A Rorschach test or an elf cookie?

elf cookie

check out:  great podcast coming this week, y’all!  My favorite sports nutritionist and member of my performance team!

Stacey Richardson’s Weekly Workout Tips
©TriStacey Coaching