I work out alot compared to other folks. And I don’t eat much food compared to other folks. My body is like a frickin Prius – i get great gas mileage. For a car, this is awesome. For a body, this sucks. I want to eat more food. But if I do, I gain weight super fast. And it’s sooooo hard to lose.

Something I have been wondering about for quite some time is whether endurance sports makes one’s metabolism more efficient? It’s probably an advantage during a long race if your body doesn’t require as many calories as the next guy to keep on going. Maybe this even helped me in my past races.

Or maybe it’s just my age making my body require less and less calories. I am almost 49 years old, and each year I need less and less food.

True, I have been working out less because I have been throwing myself into my career. Certainly that is a big factor. Still, I have to wonder – if I switched up my workout plan to do something like P90x instead of all the swimming and biking and running, maybe that would rev up my metabolism. My weight has been gradually creeping up this year and I am way beyond good racing weight. šŸ™

Here is my Loseit.com log for Christmas day (click to enlarge):