The day before Christmas, I went on a 6 mile run which ended in frustration.   I didn't post about it then because I was trying to only post happy stuff.   I have, however, decided to go back to posting the good, the bad, and the ugly.  This falls under "The Bad".

I did my usual 6 mile run to the lake and back.   This is a moderately hilly run. I'd like to one day be able to do this run in 50 minutes, at a tempo pace.   I'd like to be able to do it in 1 hour as an easy run. 

It's still hard for me to do this run in under 1 hour.  I was running at a moderately hard (~tempo) pace, and did well maintaining constant focus on my arms, my shorter stride (baby steps) and faster cadence.  I was really ticked off that it took me 59:30.   I actually stopped about 20 feet shy of my usual end point with these thoughts going through my head: "I quit, I give up, I still suck at running".   The only good thing about this run was that I burned some calories in advance of eating them!

I was really wanting this to be PR run.  I keep expecting my hard treadmill workouts and my mental focus on technique to lead to immediate and grandiose improvements in my run times.   Nope, it's not happening.   I do think I am making tiny incremental improvements…kaizen.

I will post some Good stuff tomorrow.  I got two new DVD's for Christmas:  Joe Friel's Evolution Running, and Runervals Cheetah Fast.