I had a bad day at the pool. I’ve been trying the hand entry technique that Mark described, but not having much luck because when I try something new, the other things I have been working on fall apart. I get so frustrated because I am such a slow learner. I think I need to work on one thing at a time until it becomes natural, then move on to another new thing.

Half way through the workout, I stopped and sat poolside feeling quite sucky and wondering why I try so hard and set such high goals for myself. Ultimately what I really want is to stay fit and maintain my weight But of course, staying fit involves working out and burning calories, so I finished my swim. It did get better and by the time it was done, I was in a happier mood.

I have figured out that one of my issues with swimming is weakness in my hands (probably due to arthritis). During the pull phase of the swim stroke, I sense that my hands are not holding a good paddle position. I sometimes drop my elbow and let my arm slip through the water; or other times my fingers spread apart and do not catch water.

So, I went to Target and bought some hand gripper things to work on hand strength. I keep them by my computer and use them a few times a day for 30 seconds.