Eight inches of snow fell yesterday in North Carolina yesterday! We have not seen this much snow in several years. It’s always such a wonderful treat!

I decided to go out for a run, and I discovered that I love running in the snow! I was not cold at all! Was wearing all tech fabric layers. Wool ski socks kept my toes warm despite that they got real wet and it was just 32 degrees out.


Bullet points for todays run…

  • I used the serenity of the snowy landscape to help tap into my yoga running groove.
  • I put hard music on to get fast feet.
  • I focused on separating upper body / breathing from fast feet.
  • I sought out the most slippery spots to run. why? because I’m crazy. No, seriously, because slippery conditions encourages you to pick your feet up, rather than push off with your toes. (a Pose Running philosophy) This was really a fantastic focus for me today.
  • toward the end, i started losing focus and found myself slipping back into my old slogging run style. It was mentally difficult to get back into a good groove. I can see that ironman training is going to be a lot of this mental stuff. Keeping good focus, and maintaining good form, equals being able to maintain a better pace for longer.

I ran 9.26 miles in 1:39. Any time I do this run in under 1:40, I’m pleased. I think it’s pretty amazing that I did so well given that I was dealing with slippery conditions. Yay for snow days!