Blog Comment

A blog reader left the following comment on one of my old blog posts:

What’s the point of triathlons. I actually typed that into google and this page was one of the results. I don’t understand it. I get the whole sense of trying to accomplish something like climbing a mountain or swimming across the ocean but running around like a nut case doing a bunch of different sports.

what s the point of triathlons   Google SearchHaha, I checked, and sure enough, my blog does come up as #7 when googling “What’s the point of triathlons”.   (Actually, after posting this, I am now #3, woot).  See image at right. Read on to find out my answer to that question…

Benefits of Triathlon

So, what exactly is the point of doing triathlons?    Yes, I may be running around like a nut case, I will admit to that.  But I absolutely do get a sense of accomplishment training to get fit, and racing to cross the finish line.  Here are some other things that are awesome about doing triathlons:

  • You’ll meet lots of friendly people
  • The cross training hits alot of different muscle groups as compared to just one sport. This can reduce risk of injury as compared to just doing one sport.
  • It’s not so bad getting older because you “age up” into a new racing category.
  • having a race goal can motivate  you to workout
  • endorphines from workouts and spending lots of time outdoors is a mood booster.
  • regular exercise reduces risk of health issues like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.
  • confidence trickles into other parts of your life.
  • Triathlon has races of many distances, making the sport very accessible.

What motivates you to do triathlons?  Leave a comment and share!