I’ve been having a hard time getting motivated to write to my blog. Not sure why. Writing doesn’t come naturally to me, and it takes quite a bit of effort for me to compose my thoughts into something meaningful. Hmmm…this paragraph was easy, wonder how it reads?

Here are some random things I’ve thought about and done with my running:

The baby steps focus (i.e., to help shorten stride) worked very well. When I tried
increasing my stride rate last year, it didn’t work because my stride too long. Trying to run with quick AND long steps just took way too much effort so I gave up. I think I’ve made some good progress on this front.

Sometimes I get to a place during a run where I feel in a really good groove, and my running form feels perfect. I just can’t hold on to it for very long. I think this place is somewhere between my “baby steps” short stride, and my old longer stride.

The last time I ran my 6 mile run to the lake and back was a PR. I did it in 55:51. HR was 163 average/174 max. I did not negative split it. I have never been able to negative split this run! I think it’s more downhill on the way out, and more uphill on the way back.

I want to be able to do this run in 50 minutes someday. It’s not a matter of if I can do it. It’s a matter of when and how. There are other women in my age group (and I’m not talking about the elite triathletes) running that fast and even faster. I know it’s just a matter of me continuing to look for ways to improve.